Checkout only in Latvia
For now you are able to checkout only in Latvia and the shipping costs are for the delivery in the territory of Latvia. If you are interested in any item and want to purchase it, please, contact the store manager and make an individual order and the shipping costs will be offered individually according to your country.
Fliteru virtene 1 metrs
Fliteru virtene
Dažādu krāsu fliteru virtene. Pagaidām pieejama sudraba krāsa un melna krāsa ar lāzerspīdumu (krāsaini atspīdumi).
Pārdošana metros (1 metrs = 0.60 Eiro)
Fliteri virtenē ir plakani, bez izliekumiem. Viena flitera diametrs 6 milimetri.
Fliteru virtene lieliski papildina jebkuru kostīmu, kā dekoratīvs elements, akcents vai galvenais tērpa efekts.